HERO Give Now SHC Stock Photoshoot March 22 14

Ways to Give

Impact young lives with your generous support of SHC’s innovative CURRICULUM, inclusive COMMUNITY and modern CAMPUS.

Gift of Stock

To make a gift of stock, please download our Stock Transfer Form.

In-Kind Gifts

In-Kind Gifts are gifts of tangible property. SHC may use the item in its curriculum or auction the item for fair market value. In-Kind Gifts are usually tax deductible.

Vehicle Gifts

In coordination with Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS), SHC accepts gifts of operational and nonoperational cars, trucks, boats or other recreational vehicles. SHC receives 70% of the net proceeds of the auction of the vehicle with CARS. Vehicle gifts offer immediate tax deductions for the full, fair-market value of the vehicle. Set up your vehicle gift online and be sure to designate SHC as the recipient of the proceeds. For questions or to set up the gift via phone, call 855.500.7433 (RIDE).

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory TAX ID# 94-115-6678-N 



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Heart of the city