About SHC

About Our Independent Private High School

SHC is an innovative preparatory school serving students throughout San Mateo County, Marin County, San Francisco County, and Alameda County. We are dedicated to the intellectual and academic excellence of each and every one of our students, and we strive to develop the unique talents and passions of each individual. Our Catholic high school’s devotion is illustrated in our enthusiastic and highly educated teachers, commitment to service and social justice, innovative curriculum, and cutting-edge classroom technology.

At SHC, academic excellence is not only measured in the range and quality of our courses, but in our students’ curiosity, drive and desire to learn.


We invite you to come see for yourself what sets SHC apart as an innovative private high school. Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory is a private Lasallian Vincentian Catholic preparatory school in San Francisco serving students all over the Bay Area, including Alameda County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Marin County, and nearby areas. Visit us or contact us today and learn what sets our Catholic high school apart!

A Private Lasallian Vincentian Catholic High School.

Located in the

Heart of the city