Life is interdisciplinary and hands-on—learning should be too!
Academic Explorations go beyond standard college prep curriculum to discover unexpected contours in learning and to pique student curiosity. Each 20-hour AE class meets outside the regular school day, emphasizes experiential learning, and may include blended learning and field trips.
To encourage intellectual risk-taking, AE classes are assessed on a pass/fail basis. Each term (Fall, Spring, and Summer), AEs explore learning across fine arts, humanities, sciences, environmentalism, finance, law and health and sports. Classes such as Crochet 101 facilitate fun, craft, community, and even the study of coral reefs. AEs including Model UN, CSI:SH, Surfing, Pet Portraits, and Words on Wheels (Zines) are taught by both current faculty/staff and outside experts in their fields. Browse the list of previously offered Academic Explorations.
To participate in an AE during the school year, students must have a current GPA of 3.0 or better. Summer enrollment is open to all current students with a 2.0 GPA or better. Please note: in addition to the registration fee ($100), some courses require a materials fee. De Paul Scholars are expected to complete three AEs during their time at SHC, with no registration fee for their first three AEs.
See the Schoology Group, SHC Announcements, Resources for more information, or email Maria Apablasa, Assistant Director of the DePaul Scholar Program. Good exploring!