To be truly visionary we must root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond our reality.
bell hooks
To be truly visionary we must root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond our reality.
bell hooks
The De Paul Scholar Program offers a vibrant four-year academic and enrichment program informed by the charisms of St. John Baptist de La Salle and St. Vincent de Paul. De Paul Scholars are passionate about the life of the mind and about framing questions and seeking solutions to real-world challenges of injustice or inequity. De Paul Scholars demonstrate leadership in and beyond the classroom, learning with joy and with one another while pursuing academic achievement. The De Paul Scholar curriculum includes summer workshops; service opportunities, field trips, and enrichment courses (Academic Explorations); dedicated sections of ninth grade English and World History; access to a wide array of Honors and Advanced Placement courses; and a culminating, college-level course, Senior Seminar.
For more information, please contact De Paul Scholar Program Director Mr. Nick Hren or Associate Director, Ms. Maria Apablasa, or follow us on Instagram @depaulscholars.
Students chosen for the De Paul Scholar Program are expected to:
The capstone of a DePaul Scholar's learning journey is the January Project in Senior Seminar in which DPS seniors explore ideas that intrigue them. Scholars using a design thinking approach to resourcing and understanding an idea, finding resources and mentors, and then teaching their idea to their classmates. January Projects have included Artificially Intelligent: The Search for Computer Intelligence & What It Means To Be Human, A Sweet History, How Maps Influence Politics, and Siren Song.