Focus on Freshman

Keep it up, Class of 2024!

The Class of 2024 has officially completed their first quarter! Beginning their high school careers in a distance learning format is a reality unique to this year's ninth grade class. Thankfully, SHC faculty members have come up with countless creative ways to create community among the newest members of our school family. Enjoy these snapshots:

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Frosh Fam grouped students together to get to know each other along with a student leader and faculty member. Zoom dance parties, “Hot Ones” spicy chicken wing question rounds, shared online mass experiences, and small group activities.

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Zoom hunts worked together to build community (image shows group members sharing something that makes them thankful). 

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Freshman PE pods started, and our newest Irish got their school pictures taken at the good old alma mater. So great to see them get their move on.

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In Physics, the final project for unit 1 involved watching a clip from the movie The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, building a windmill to show energy transfers, and filming at home to show their class. Instructor Kim Freudenberg was particularly impressed with this entry by Sarah Caulder. 40 paperclips lifted!! Here is a still of Caulder’s windmill, as well as a pictorial description of the act by another student.

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Freshman English Learning Team Leader Kim Pacatte had her students do a literary device scavenger hunt for symbols. “They LOVED it,” she says. When told to find something to represent friendship, “one kid grabbed hand sanitizer and said, ‘Because it’s a friend to us all right now.’”


French teacher Baptiste Genestin has become an online teaching wizard. You can follow his mini Instagram lessons through @monsieur.baptiste. Here is a video submission to one assignment from freshman Valentina Shterngerts (also starring hand sanitizer!).

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