Join us on January 14, 2025 at the Chase Center for the Bruce-Mahoney Basketball Games. Girls Game 5 pm. Boys Game 7 pm. Buy your tickets now!
Welcome Class of 2022!
We look forward to your contributions to the SHC community! As an incoming family, you will want to stay abreast of all SHC news, events, updates and deadlines. During the summer, the Class of 2022 web page is your primary resource and it will provide the information you will need to prepare for the upcoming school year.
Information on required immunizations, the Parents Association survey, summer reading and assignments, booklists, and the SHC Summer Institute will be available here. Keep an eye out for our all-school summer mailing (which will include class schedules) in early July. Check this page often as we will continue to update important deadlines and information.
For your planning and organizational purposes: Parameter Dates for 2018-19. Please see the full calendar under Student Tools (on the top navigation bar.)
Please note all dark-green bold texts link important documents and information.
Please note that our website will undergo a makeover this summer. The same Class of 2022 web page will be accessible in the new version of our site. Bookmark the Class of 2022 web page in your browser now to ensure easy access to important information throughout the summer.
- Parameter Dates 2018-19: An at-a-glance look at all of the major dates in the upcoming academic year.
- Booklist & Resource List: Required booklist by academic department and related fee sheet.
- Frosh Welcome Morning: Information regarding Frosh Welcome Morning.
- Jumpstart: Register and view general Jumpstart presentation.
- LOTE Choice Form: Make your Language Other Than English selection.
- Pre-participation Physical Examination and Athletic Participation Forms: PPE Forms and Appryse enrollment must be completed by August 3, 2018. Please fill in all applicable fields (DO NOT SUBMIT ATTACHMENTS). Complete this process regardless of whether your child plans on participating in athletics. IMPORTANT: Appointments should be scheduled AFTER June 1.
- Student & Family Information: All incoming families are required to complete the student and family demographic/emergency contact information by Saturday, April 21. You will receive the Student & Family Emergency Contact/Handbook Agreement form in our July mailing where you will have an opportunity to confirm all of the information you supplied to SHC.
- Summer Assignments: Students will receive their course schedule via USPS in early July.
- One School, One Book: Required Summer Reading
If your primary e-mail address needs to be updated, please let our Admissions office know at:
If you have any questions, please contact Registrar & Academic Administrative Associate Carol Collins.
We are thrilled to welcome you to the SHC family!