Mr. Caesar Smith ’98

Mr. Caesar Smith ’98
Mr. Caesar Smith ’98

Director of Athletics, Head Coach Boys Varsity Basketball, Black Student Union Moderator, Big Green Moderator | 415.775.6626

Year Began at SHC 2020

Credential Certified Athletic Administrator, Texas Educator Certificate - Social Studies (8-12); Physical Education (K-12)

Undergraduate Degree Bachelor of Arts

Undergraduate Subject American Multicultural Studies

Undergraduate University Sonoma State University

Masters Degree Master of Education

Masters Degree Subject Postsecondary Administration & Student Affairs

Masters Degree University University of Southern California

Doctorate Degree Doctor of Education

Doctorate Subject Global Sport Leadership

Doctorate University East Tennessee State University

Professional Affiliations

National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA), California State Athletic Directors Association (CSADA), Central Coast Section Athletic Directors Association (CCSADA)

Located in the

Heart of the city