Fr. John Gribowich
Instructor of Theology, Lasallian-Vincentian Youth Moderator, Guitar Club Moderator | 415 775-6626 ext. 613

Fr. John Gribowich
Instructor of Theology, Lasallian-Vincentian Youth Moderator, Guitar Club Moderator | 415 775-6626 ext. 613
Year Began at SHC 2022
Credential Pennsylvania
Undergraduate Degree Bachelor of Arts
Undergraduate Subject History, Theology
Undergraduate University DeSales University
Masters Degree Master
Masters Degree Subject Divinity
Masters Degree University St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers
Masters Degree 2 Master of Business Administration
Masters Degree 2 Subject Business
Masters Degree 2 University University of California, Berkeley
Professional Affiliations
College Art Association (CAA); Co-proprietor of The Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm in Harveys Lake, PA
Research and Publications
“Bob Dylan explores death to self in ‘Rough and Rowdy Ways’” in National Catholic Reporter (online version, November 7, 2020)
“The Holy Trinity by El Greco” in Magnificat (ISSN 1521-5172, June issue, 2020)
“Dorothy Day: A Unique Dissenting Voice” in The Tablet (March 25, 2020)
“The Dream of St. Joseph by Francisco Rizi” in Magnificat (ISSN 1521-5172, March issue, 2019)
“The Denial of St. Peter by Caravaggio” in Magnificat (ISSN 1521-5172, Holy Week issue, 2018)
“The Labor Cross by Fritz Eichenberg” in Magnificat (ISSN 1521-5172, May issue, 2017)
“Christ and Veronica by Otto Dix” in Magnificat (ISSN 1521-5172, Holy Week issue,