Br. Joseph Fabiano, FSC

Br. Joseph Fabiano, FSC
Brother Joseph Fabiano, FSC

Library Assistant; Cugini Club Moderator | 415.775.6626 ext. 775

Year Began at SHC 1966

Credential State of California

Undergraduate Degree Bachelor of Arts

Undergraduate Subject Latin-Philosophy

Undergraduate University Saint Mary’s College of California

Masters Degree Bachelor of Arts

Masters Degree Subject Italian

Masters Degree University San Francisco State University

Masters Degree 2 Master of Arts

Masters Degree 2 Subject Classical Latin and Greek

Masters Degree 2 University Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Professional Affiliations

Recipient of the Vincentian Service Award

Research and Publications

Laureato di Letteratura Italiana , Universita' di Firenze, Italy

Located in the

Heart of the city