Kiva Student-Leaders Explore Guatemala

This summer, five SHC Kiva Service-Learning Project leaders for the Class of 2016 visited Guatemala and explored volcanos and lakes, Mayan ruins, microfinance institutions, fair trade weaving collectives, coffee and macadamia plantations, and an indigenous permaculture farm. Accompanied by Kiva Microfinance Club Moderator Abi Basch, the student-leaders will fold the experiences from the trip into their leadership of this year’s senior class service learning project, the Kiva Carnival. Basch shares, "I was continually impressed with the inquisitiveness, insight and engagement with which the student-leaders met the organizations and sites we visited. I could not be prouder of their hard work." Learn more about the trip through these insightful student reflections. Day 1: Written by Marika Dy ’16 Day 2: Written by Miranda Escobar ’16 Day 3: Written by Brian Suarez ’16 Day 4: Written by Alexis Balomaga ’16 Day 5: Written by Jack Lyons ’16  

Located in the

Heart of the city