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Merry Christmas from SHC

Merry Christmas from the SHC Irish for a Day Ambassadors! We loved getting to know you this year! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, or if you just want to say hello. 

Alexia Crawford ’22 - 22acrawford@shcp.edu
Aoife Dwan ’22
 - 22adwan@shcp.edu
Caroline Irons ’21
 - 21cirons@shcp.edu
Christina Ohmura ’22
 - 22cohmura@shcp.edu
Colby Woo ’21 - 21cwoo@shcp.edu
Colin Gursky ’22
 - 22cgursky@shcp.edu
David Hinderliter ’22 - 22dhinderliter@shcp.edu
Elena Gandolfo ’21 - 21egandolfo@shcp.edu
Eliza Quetingco ’22
 - 22equetingco@shcp.edu
Emily Yu ’22
 - 22eyu@shcp.edu
Emma Butler ’23
 - 23ebutler@shcp.edu
Evelyn Ramirez ’22
 - 22eramirez@shcp.edu
Gavin Bermudez ’23 - 23gbermudez@shcp.edu
Haydin Zogaric ’21
 - 21hzogaric@shcp.edu
Jackson Wainwright ’21 - 21jwainwright@shcp.edu
Kate Conti ’22 - 22kconti@shcp.edu
Katie Baldwin ’23
- 23kbaldwin@shcp.edu
Lezaiah Porchia-Gray ’23
 - 23lporchia-gray@shcp.edu
Olivia Davis ’21
 - 21odavis@shcp.edu
Olivia Flores ’23 - 22oflores@shcp.edu
Sofia Juricic ’23
 - 23sjuricic@shcp.edu
Vivien Hughston ’21
 - 21vhughston@shcp.edu

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