HERO Transfers Walkathon Assembly August 22 14

Welcome Transfer Students!

A warm Irish welcome to you, the students and families joining SHC this year! Throughout the summer, this page serves as a resource for our incoming students and families, with important information, links and due dates. Please bookmark the page and check your spam folders to ensure that you are opening all of your SHC communication.

We will refresh due dates, information, and links on this page until September 1. By then, SHC students and families will be able to use our learning management system, Schoology, for announcements, coursework, homework, and updates from groups such as SHC Announcements, the Parent Association, counselors, teams and clubs.

For questions, please contact Ms. Judith Tangaan '93 (jtangaan@shcp.edu or 415-775-6626, ext. 868).

Go Irish!

UPDATED: 8/10/2024



*Note that all of our Google calendars are dynamic calendars and are subject to updates throughout the year.

8/8/24-8/12/24 - Transfer Student Orientation 

  • Thursday, August 8, 9:00 to 1:30: Educational technology, counselor meeting, campus tour. Please bring your device.
  • Saturday, August 10, 9:00 to noon: New Parent/Guardian Orientation optional.
  • Monday, August 12: students attend by grade level
    • Sophomore: 9:00 to 10:30
    • Junior: 11:00 to 12:30
    • Senior: 12:30 to 2:00

8/13/24 - First Day of Classes

Some SHC class have summer assignments; please have all assignments completed, have all books, have paid course resource fees by the start of classes.



For up-to-date information, including meetings and tryout information, please visit SHC Athletics.

2024-25 Book & Resource List. SHC students purchase texts and other course resources for each of their courses, using their course list and the list of required books and resources. Students may obtain their books from any provider or shop at BNC, a third-party online bookseller, for most textbooks. BNC purchases require the student ID number that is printed on the top of the course schedule. All students are also asked to pay an annual $100 Resource Fee for digital or bulk-purchased course resources provided by the teacher.  

BYOD: SHC students are expected to bring their own device to class each day. Please click here for more information about our digital learning expectations.

Daily Schedule of the periods meeting each day. Click here to see the Bell Schedule.

Health Registration

All SHC students must be registered on Magnus Health AND must have a Pre-Participation Physical Exam (PPE) on file via the Magnus Health platform. This is required whether or not a student intends to participate in a sport.

Families will receive an email from Magnus to register and access your Magnus Account for the 2024-25 school year. Please email Dean Mario Sazo with questions or if you need forms.

  • Download the SHC PPE Form, have your physician fill it out, and upload the completed form to Magnus. We cannot accept a hard copy and will only accept the SHC PPE Form.
  • Please see the Sports Medicine webpage for more information; or contact Director of Sports Medicine/Head Athletic Trainer Mr. Oscar Melero or Assistant Athletic Trainer Ms. Jessica Markbreiter with questions.

Student & Family Information Form has been emailed to enrolled families; please email registrar@shcp.edu if you did not receive the link.

Irish Prep Shop (SHC attire)

New Family Orientation (August 10, 2024) 

Summer Assignments (due August 13)

These slides from our April Frosh Welcome may be useful to all incoming families. 


SHC 415.775.6626 
   Main Office Press 0
   Attendance Press 1 or Ext. 760
   Finance and Facilities Office (including Tuition) Press 2 or ext. 567
   Advancement Office Press 3
   Alumni Office Press 4
   Office of Communications Press 5
   Admissions Office Press 6

    View a comprehensive list of resources and links to useful documents

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