In just a couple weeks SHC alumna and University of California at Davis student Julianne Cravotto ’15 will journey to Northern Ireland as a Fulbright Summer Institute Participant at Queen’s University Belfast.
In just a couple weeks SHC alumna and University of California at Davis student Julianne Cravotto ’15 will journey to Northern Ireland as a Fulbright Summer Institute Participant at Queen’s University Belfast. Fulbright’s prestigious Summer Institutes to the United Kingdom is an academic and cultural immersion exchange program that gives US undergraduates an opportunity to travel, live, and study in the UK for three to six weeks. This summer, Julianne will learn about the UK through the university’s Irish Studies and Conflict Transformation programs.
Julianne’s passion for politics and modern history started at SHC. “I took AP US History with Mr. Sansoe and enjoyed it so much that I took some of his electives and his Cold War class—which is one of the main reasons I’m focusing on modern history.”
SHC nurtured Julianne’s inherent love of learning, and her experience as a De Paul Scholar made the transition to college seamless, “Senior Seminar really prepared me for the classroom experience in college. I think the best college classes are really discussion based, and in that way, they are very similar to Senior Seminar.”
Julianne continues, “One of the biggest ways SHC prepared me for college is in the way I am not hindered when it comes to approaching my professors. Because I was so comfortable talking to my teachers and counselors at SHC, it’s not difficult to engage with my professors at Davis.”