Irish for a Night is Back

Irish for a Night Returns on Tuesday, October 8! 

Irish for a Night (IFAN), Sacred Heart Cathedral’s event to introduce grade schoolers and families unfamiliar with the school to experience high-school spirit at SHC, returns on October 8 when the Fighting Irish Girls Volleyball Team takes on Presentation High School.

After the rousing success of last spring’s event which witnessed more than 1,000 attendees fill the Pavilion at Boys Basketball Game against the St. Francis Lacers, it was an easy call to host another IFAN.

“Last spring’s event was amazing. So many families from around the Bay Area, from as close as the Outer Sunset in San Francisco to the furthest reaches of Marin County and the East Bay, attended the event. The excitement of the families and the enthusiasm of our students and fans made for an exciting atmosphere.” Director of Admissions and Enrollment, Jonathan Lim said. “After the event, we received calls and inquiries about when we would do another Irish for a Night. We realized that this wasn’t going to be a one-off event. The demand to experience SHC spirit and culture has never been higher.”

This October’s IFAN will feature a number of activities for families, including free swag giveaways, a special cheering section for Irish for a Night attendees and rousing music provided by the SHC Band. Families will also have an opportunity to meet SHC Admissions staff members to learn more about the educational programs offered at the school, Open House and Winter Institute, which offers students and athletes (6th-8th grade) a variety of enrichment workshops and sports clinics to stay active and engaged throughout the season.

“This is a unique opportunity for families to experience school spirit and what it truly means to be an SHC student and family, and they get to see our SHC Girls Volleyball team in action. It will be an exciting night for all,” Lim said.

Register for Irish for a Night today. Free for students in grades K-8 and their families.

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