Q&A with Sr. Pacita Calica, DC

SHC welcomed Sister Pacita Calica, DC, to our faculty at the beginning of this school year, and she has already made a huge impact on student success.

SHC welcomed Sister Pacita Calica, DC, to our faculty at the beginning of this school year, and she has already made a huge impact on student success. As the full-time Testing Center Coordinator, Sr. Pacita supports students who need to take tests they have missed during regular class hours. Her presence allows students to fulfill their academic requirements in a timely manner—a huge benefit to both instructors and students.

"I have only been here a few months, and I am impressed by some of our new faculty members and of course, I salute the ones who have been here for a long time. The first expresses enthusiasm and the latter, dedication and commitment."

Sr. Pacita Calica, DC

Sr. Pacita earned an MA in Catholic Educational Leadership from the University of San Francisco and a BA in Science and a Multiple Subjects Professional Clear Credential from San Francisco State University. She has taught math and science, and prior to SHC, she served as the assistant executive director for Catholic Charities in Gallup, New Mexico. 

What is your favorite part about being an SHC faculty member? 
It is getting to know the other members of faculty and staff, what they do, how they relate to their students and most especially how they embody the spirit and charism of our Founders. I have only been here a few months, and I am impressed by some of our new faculty members and of course, I salute the ones who have been here for a long time. The first expresses enthusiasm and the latter, dedication and commitment. 

Can you share an interesting fact about the Daughters of Charity our students may not know? 
There are so many interesting facts about the Daughters of Charity, it’s hard to pinpoint one. However, our students may not know that we renew our vows annually on the Feast of the Annunciation.

What is your hope for the students who come your way through the Testing Center? 
Students who come to the testing center usually miss their tests because of being absent when the tests were given due to illness, retreats, field trips, etc. I hope that they will learn to take advantage of the services provided for them in a positive way and not take it for granted. As always, we hope for our students’ success and support them in many different ways. That is the purpose of the Testing Center. On another level, I hope that they will get to know another Daughter of Charity since there are two of us here at SHC. 

What is your favorite book? 
I just finished reading "The Lord of the Rings" the trilogy by Tolkien; and someone gave me a book called "The Gospel According to Tolkien." At this time, these are my two favorite books. The first one because it is really about our struggles to remain faithful and authentic and the second one because it points out a lot of things I missed when reading the first one. 

What are some of your hobbies? 
I like my quiet time which I usually spend reading. I also like to walk, especially by the ocean or a body of water. This was what I missed a lot when I was missioned or assigned in the southwest (Phoenix, AZ and Gallup, NM). I also crochet, specifically when there is a need for crocheted items for the homeless. I play the guitar for my own pleasure. 

Do you have a favorite song? 
I really don’t have a favorite song, though I like In Every Age (Janet Sullivan Whitaker). There is an artist called Yiruma, whose music I listen to when praying.

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