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Inquiry & Innovation Program

"The i2 Program has inspired me and introduced me to some of my best friends, making it a community and an experience for which I am so grateful."

Chloe Jenniches ’19, PhD student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography | NSF GRFP Fellow

i2 Program Mission

The Inquiry & Innovation Program is a four-year academic and enrichment program that challenges students to inquire how their gifts and passions can serve the world and to innovate ways to do so effectively. The i2 Program develops students' problem solving, creativity, analytical abilities, and leadership skills through a curriculum that integrates STEM, liberal arts and service. Through field trips, talks, performances, and outdoor adventures, students pursue ideas outside the classroom and lab. As they involve themselves in the many programs at SHC, including Robotics, the Student Launch Initiative, and TEDxYouth@SHC, i2 students build their capability to create positive change in the world.

        Visit the SHC Inquiry & Innovation website to learn more!

i2 Scholar Characteristics & Expectations

Ninth grade applicants to the i2 Program must demonstrate high academic achievement through exemplary middle school grades and standardized test scores. More importantly, an i2 scholar should embody an intrinsic curiosity about the world, the ability to imagine a more just world, and a service ethos to help construct that world. During high school, i2 scholars must:

  • Achieve at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA and a B average or higher in math and science courses.
  • Maintain the highest standards of behavior as prescribed by the school.
  • Be models of curiosity, innovation and service for the entire SHC community.

i2 Scholar Program Team

  • Mr. Dabney Standley, i2 Director

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